Creating Healing-Centered Spaces for Youth

05/01/2024 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM CT


 Wednesday, May 1st 10am-12pm at Wellstone Center

*Free parking available in the parking ramp


We know that many young people experience overwhelming stress and trauma in their daily lives. And whether on the court, in a classroom, or in an afterschool program, there are intentional practices that make a positive impact on the young people you work with every day.


In this session we will learn about brain development, how we process information sequentially, consider the implications of overwhelming stress and trauma on how brains work, and reflect on levers that we have that help young people heal from overwhelming stress and thrive. This work is rooted in the research of Dr. Bruce Perry and delivered in a way that is accessible and applicable to us all.  This training is geared towards anyone who works with youth…sports coaches, mentors, afterschool programs, and all who interact with and support young people.


Facilitator: Christine Bright, Center for Health and Justice through Sport.

This workshop is made possible by support from the Susan Crowne Exchange and the Million Coaches Challenge and is hosted in partnership with Sprockets